Friday, September 30, 2011

What would you like to order?

What exactly are you doing with your life? Sure, you may be on a career track, but certainly there's more to living than going to work and paying the rent. Figure out at least one dream and pursue it. You'll meet some interesting people that way...

What Im Wearin:
Hair: [e] Garden - Essentials Collection - black 4 Limo!
Jacket:  ][AV][jacket stripe navy[AV][jacket stripe navy  1L$! Limo!
 Necklace[lil bag] :MHOH #082 >>SEXY Design<< Makeup necklace Free!hunt item
site MHOH: Make Her Over Hunt stores list
 Belt: ~Pepper~ Summer Belt - Black   Thank youu Danni ♥ Limo! 
 Garters: WWI Army Girl Garters Jet Black v2  Limo!
Boots: DECO boots cherry
Food:  +9 AMAGURI

Friday, September 23, 2011

atypical family portrait

Now's not the time to make waves at home. Stick with the status quo, at least for now -- keep your reservations to yourself. Soon you'll find allies and will be able to say your piece, but until then, avoid confrontation..

 What i'm wearin:
Tshirt: Intrigue Co. - Tuxedo shirt @Intrigue co.  Limo!
Boots: drd bootslazyspikespurple
Corns: ~Pepper~ Faun Set @~Pepper~Accessoires Limo!
Leggins: leather - Smoke *REDGRAVE* Limo!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011 you wings

The biggest cause of wrinkles? Unnecessary repression. Whether you need to laugh, cry or jump up and down, close the door and give yourself a few minutes to vent or call a close friend and share your thoughts..

What i'm wearin:
Scarf: Neck Scarf [] Grassy Stream Gift Free!Gift  here: ~<{ Zeery }>~ Color Couture
Leggings: {K}Rea Q Leggings Gift!!!

Dress: Retro' - 054
both here:*Tea Time* & WARTHOG Mainstore  and -ShockStudio-
Cardigan:":::BaLaC:::"Frill Cardigan RED*ThankUPray4Japan* 50L$! (available also on white)":::BaLaC:::" 
Shoes:  - Mstyle XIAOYI Wedge - White Panther @Mstyle - Limo!

Earrings: Chunky Hearts (11 colours) @[North West] Home & Decor - Limo!

Hair:>TRUTH< Vanessa -  black & whites - Limo!

Nails: ((Crystal line))Prim nail"Crystal" & Nail Reset HUD!! @ Marketplace
Piercings: @Pepper Accessoires blogged before

Monday, September 19, 2011

little shop that's worth a stop

Design shows and magazines are sources of inspiration, but looking at too much media can leave you feeling frazzled and overloaded. Pick one area you'd like to improve (better grooming, for example) and focus on that..

 Description comin soon!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Unnecessary frills and furbelows aren't your thing, especially today. Super tight and shiny really is overkill at the moment -- you're sexy enough in plain cotton. Sleek lines that accentuate your amazing figure are enough.

What I'm wearin:
Pants: ~Pepper~ Baggy Jeans - ZEBRA - TFG - 70L$ [Pepper Accessoires]             @ .NINU. Fashion district & The Fashion Garret ::TFG:: Limo!
Cup of coffe: @ Poche 0L$  Limo!
Sneakers: old hunt gift
Hair: blogged before
Lip,nose n dimple piercing: @Pepper Accessoires
              ~Pepper~ Piercing Swirls and Plugs Limo!
Glasses necklace: @Pepper Accessoires
              ~Pepper~ Sunglasses Necklace Limo!  
Suspenders: @ Delirium - Heather outfit Limo!
Panties: @ JeSyLiLO ~~ group gift 2 colors(pink also) Limo!
Hoodie: @ Intrigue Co. Pink Pouched Hoodie Limo!
Coke:    @ :. LuTimez .: Coke Bottle FREE(subscribe/ dunno if still available
             [EY:NO] Mainstore     &      :. LuTimez .:, White Bay Cay Limo! 
Bracelet: ::TFG:: Gift Group Special Summer Edition
               @.NINU. Fashion district & The Fashion Garret     ::TFG:: Limo!


Friday, September 16, 2011

watch out!^^

What's cutter than pillow fight?..
Probably doin it dressed as a cute mouse and a lil bee <3! Lols..
What I'm wearin:
Intrigue co-Mouse Pjs - f  Limo!

What Tiggy's wearin:

Intrigue co-Bumble bee Pjs - f  Limo!

accessorize it

-- Yellow Berry -- Where the Berry is right for the pickin' --
You guys  should  definitely check out this store.They  have some really  dope awesome prices, MM board - hunts - lucky letter!
First take a look atv the MM Board price:  Checkmate belts - available in 4 different colors

And..  CCW Hunt Yellow Berry - #33 : purple pants:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Anybody else feelin gangsta today?

Start prepping for that big party or event coming your way. You're a big believer in listening to your intuition, but a little advanced planning starting now will help you get ready for everything -- including romance.

What I'm wearin (right - 1st pic):
description comin soon

What Tiggy's wearin (left - 1st pic): 
 description comin soon

'im so cute i could kill !

Look chica~~i'm still around~~'been underestimated again..

Today:Your alluring gaze always draws 'em in, but right now you're more concerned with refining your complexion. Whole foods, lots of water, less caffeine and plenty of rest will give you that special glow.

Description coming soon